Stress is costing you money. Find out how much and what to do about it.
The Corporate Stress Reduction Program is unlike any program out there to create a happy, healthy and high performance workplace.
5 Known Facts About the Cost of Stress
- Employees under sustained stress are 200-300% more likely to suffer from heart disease, back pain, cancer, mental health problems, infections, injuries and substance abuse.
Health Canada - Up to 90% of doctors visits are caused by stress.
American Academy of Family Physicians - Stress costs companies more than $33 billion in Canada, and in excess of $600 billion in the US.
Global Business and Economic Roundtable on Addiction and Mental Health - About 20% of the payroll of a typical company goes towards stress related problems such as absenteeism, turnover, disability leave and accidents.
Health Canada - Work-life conflict (stress that arises when work and family clash) costs Canadian Businesses up to $10 billion a year.
Health Canada