Dr. Nedd Books - Your Way To Happiness
Power Over Stress
This is clear description of what happens to the body and brain under stress. It shows you how to avoid becoming stressed in difficult situations and it offers practical, scientifically valid techniques for reducing the impact of negative impact of stress on the physiology. The book outlines in simple, easy-to-follow steps, the relationship between stress and disease and stress and performance and gives practical ideas and techniques to avoid the unhealthy consequences of stress.

The Time To Be Happy Is Now
This book, The Time to be Happy is Now, is a series practical techniques that you can use immediately to bring more happiness to your life. The book presents 52 prescriptions and several tips and quotes. The connection between happiness and stress is made and the physiology of happiness and the psychology of motivation are explained.

Cultivating The Habit of Happiness
By utilizing his daily written prescriptions Dr. Kenford Nedd will help you reach the ultimate state of well-being.
– Decide to become a happier person and watch the growth begin immediately.
– Raise the level of your awareness and pay attention to your inner promptings.
– Reflect. Ask yourself: “Who am I? What am I doing here?”
– Learn to summon happy feelings from the memory of a past experience and utilize those to battle the darkness.
Happiness begins with self-awareness, it continues with self-examination and it matures with the steady unfolding of a deep sense of purpose for your life. Don’t deny yourself the experience. Follow the doctor’s orders and live the life you’re entitled to live.