Please allow me to introduce you to the TRIM formula for instant escape from the ravages of stress.
T At the first sign of stress when you are beginning to feel the slightest onset of tension, or when the insult or disappointment occurs, wherever you are tense you body as tight as you can as you breathe deeply in through your nose. Hold it for 2-3 seconds and then
R relax all your muscles and feel the tension draining our of your body
I Imagine the tension draining out of your hands and feet as you continue to breathe slowly in and out and focus on your muscles getting more and more relaxed.
M “My arms and legs are heavy and warm”. Keep repeating this as you continue to breathe deeply and slowly and evenly and actually feel the transformation in your arms and legs as they become heavy, relaxed and warm.
Continue to breathe with awareness and establish control over your whole body.
This is a simple way to help you remember to master every stressful moment. TRIM the tension away at every step.