Don’t forget to ignite your happiness today.
This is a special day that has been created for you to enjoy.
And isn’t it wonderful that you get to have a body with hands that can hold things, ears that can hear and eyes that can see. You have so much to be happy about.
Catch a glimpse of the grandeur that is in you and around you and celebrate life today, no matter what seems to be going wrong.
Don’t focus on what’s wrong. Don’t think about the irritations and disappointment that plague your life.
Rejoice and be exceedingly glad in the great opportunity you have to live today.
Do whatever you have to do to experience that incredible sense of joy and peace that passes all understanding.
I was sitting at my desk overlooking a beautiful beach with snowcapped mountains in the background. I felt terrific to be alive.
My stomach reminded me that I need some breakfast and I had an overwhelming urge to get up, jump in my car and battle the traffic for 15 blocks to pick up some delicious special fresh hot organic bread to go with the wonderful sautéed salmon and vegetable that I had prepared.
But I was captivated by my work as I prepared to do a seminar on stress and could not tear myself away and make the sacrifice to appease the great desire I felt for my favorite treat.
Eventually the urge to go for the bakery faded and I decided to just eat whatever was there.
Bad decision.
I was too lazy to pay the price to turn up my level of happiness.
I always wonder what the day would have been like if I listened more keenly and made it my duty to follow my inner promptings and made my special breakfast.
Sometimes we know what we need to do, or what we need to give up to stimulate happiness but we are too lazy to leave the beautiful view or venture out of the accustomed place and go after what we really want.
Are you willing to do what it takes to generate happiness in your body and mind today?
Happiness is not just happiness. Happiness changes the chemistry of the body. It decreases inflammation, lowers cortisol and adrenaline and strengthens the immune system.
Giving your self a special pleasure is important.
Pleasure is not happiness but it can point you in the right direction to the place where all those physiological benefits await you.
I wish you a marvelous, wonderful and happy day. Make it happen.
Happiness is a choice.