Let me share some of my past mistakes with you.
The purpose of this review is to remind you of some strategies and tactics that can increase your success.
Whenever you encounter a good idea that you are already putting into practice, please stop and celebrate. Don’t just notice and move on. Jump up, dance, pat yourself on the shoulder and celebrate. Celebrating the little victories of life is one powerful way to accentuate the positive and bring more of the good into your life.
If you encounter something valuable and which you are not doing, don’t just make a mental note of it and move on with your life. Write it down and do something about it. “To know and not to act is not to know at all”. Make your time reading this count.
So, here goes, these are 7 mistakes I made:
- I failed to realize that I could make millions if I truly wanted to do so. It never occurred to me that I could be phenomenal.I never came to the point where I decided that I was capable and worthy of great abundance. I merely spent my time working hard. It really did not occur to me for years that I could make just about as much money as I chose. I did not think big enough. I learnt too late that we can do almost anything to which we wholehearted apply our minds. We can get almost anything we want.Please check your pulse and if you are still alive, have a glimpse of the grandeur that is within you and adopt the philosophy that you can do more with your life than you are currently doing right now.
- I had a major goal in my life, a magnificent obsession, but it was out of reach and hard to achieve.
It was like a dream far from reality so, I allowed myself to be distracted and seduced by lesser jobs, good jobs that would offer more immediate rewards. To be distracted from following your purpose by pleasure or laziness is one thing.But when you are distracted by something that adds great value to your life, it is hard to turn your back on it and continue to strive towards your original big prize in the absence of any tangible results. So here is the lesson. Don’t let the security of a good job, and the lure of benefits and a strong pension stand in the way of the crazy success you are striving for. I did that at one time in my life but no more. - I did not use the power of my thoughts and beliefs enough.Because they were intangible, I treated them as unimportant in the daily grind. I wrote my goals down. I made lists of things I should do and whatever help I needed; but I neglected to go into silence and activate my strong beliefs and apply them to what I was going after. I did not carry any strong beliefs with me about the success of whatever it is I was doing.According to Becky Fuller 99% of us is in non-form and yet we neglect those non-form qualities, such as beliefs and positive thinking that can accelerate our success.
Take at least 5 minutes every day to ask yourself,” Who am I? What do I believe?” Add your thought and your beliefs to the goals you are pursuing and you will go much further in life.
- I failed to celebrate small victories. This would have generated energy to leap forward with greater power.Stop and think about your accomplishments however small and celebrate them.A 75- year old patient told me that when she was a young teacher, her principal come into her classroom. She was nervous in the presence of the principal and because she did not complete all her tasks, she said to the principal, “I am so sorry, Mr. Joseph, but I did not do this, that and that.” The principle looked at her and said ” But have you taken note of all that you have done?”
My patient told me that this comment changed his life. He now celebrates all his little accomplishments and this alone has lowered his stress level and increased his effectiveness.
Do an appreciative analysis on yourself and your work every week. Stop and notice what you are doing well. Appreciate the good things you have done and this will help you to do more.
- I took the advice of my loved ones too callously. I did not realize how important the advice and opinion of my family were. That was a mistake.We must remember that our family members, who love us and want us to succeed, are world-class experts on us, and we are to listen ardently and opportunistically to any appraisal they may offer on our performance or potential.Your family members see you more clearly than you can see yourself, because the part of yourself that you use for self-analysis is not seen, so your self-analysis is incomplete. Get an appraisal from your family.
Twenty years ago I was directed to do something wonderful with my life. My family told me I could have made it. But I did not take action on the advice. I didn’t believe I would succeed at such a high level and now I see how fear of failure held me back. Listen to your relatives. Pay attention to their opinions.
- I did not take chances. I did not dare enough.I had a friend who was in sales. He commanded a huge salary, but he hated his job. He wanted to work as a movie producer but he knew no one in that business, so the idea seemed ridiculous. He asked my advice about his dream to be a movie producer and I told him not to speak to me again until he had quit his job, moved to Hollywood and given himself the chance to fulfill his dream. Miraculously he took my advice. I never heard from him for 7 years. He moved to Hollywood, became a movie producer and 7 years after I gave him the advice, he invited me on his boat to celebrate the completion of a movie for Disney, before flying off to do another.He told me that he had a multitude of obstacles in his way but he persisted and took chances. He had the courage to leave his comfort zone and follow his magnificent obsession.
I did not dare. I did not put myself in a position where I could be criticized and called foolish. I played it safe.
I once had the urge to call one of the most successful billionaires in North America and ask him to lunch. I called his office twice and was almost glad that I did not get to talk to him. I felt that I was in way over my head.
I wished I had persisted. When I think of this man I remember the poem, “The saddest words of tongue or pen are these: it might have been”.
- One of my biggest mistakes is that I was not generous enough.I did not share the little I had with others. I did not give money away because I did not have a lot. I did not give my time away because I was always busy. I did not give my energy and flair to the world because I was selfishly pursuing my own goals.I wish I had given more. It is in giving that we really receive. It is in giving that we find happiness along the way. The best use of our money is to give it away and the best way to find exceptional happiness is to give your life away in service.
If I had been more generous I would have achieved more.
So, these are my 7 ideas for you to consider in your quest for success, and I hope at least one of them will make a difference in your life.