Interesting Facts About Happiness

HAPPINESS in the workplace is a new vehicle to raise the income of a company. Research has demonstrated that happier employees accomplish more, get sick less and have a positive influence on company profits.

When you are happy you are 37% better at sales and if you are going for an operation, you better hope that your surgeon had a good happy, loving night because this alone will increase your chances by nearly 20%.

In addition to all this, happiness brightens the emotional and physical atmosphere in the workplace.

Happiness, to be happiness, has to be noticed. It surfaces from inside the individual who embraces it and affects those around.

When an employee, despite how busy she is, decides to take her happiness in her own hands and magnify it, positive physiological consequences are experienced by that individual, as well as by those around her.


Consider these benefits:


  • Happiness has a positive impact on the cardiovascular system. One study estimated that 100 bouts of laughter is equivalent to about 10-15 minutes on an exercise bike.
  • By deciding that you are going to be happy in the face of all your troubles, and by adopting the thoughts, attitudes and actions of a happy person, you increase in your circulation the levels of IgA, IgG, IgM, cytokines, natural killer cells CD4, complements and other natural chemicals and these are the armies that the immune system uses to fight cancer, foreign body invasion and infection.
  • You increase your risk of dying if you harbor depressive tendencies.
  • A study involving 36 women with cancer reported that those who consistently expressed joy despite the diagnosis live on.
  • Micro RNA are higher in happy people and these hormones combat depression, anxiety and stress.
  • Increased perceived happiness leads to a decrease in pro inflammatory condition and inflammation is linked to the major chronic diseases such as Diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and Dementia.
  • The single most important factor that will determine how long you will live, is how happy you are or how much you enjoy your life.
  • According to Robert Townsend, one of the most important roles of a leader is to protect the energy of his or her people and one way to do that is to behave with the happiness of your staff in mind. When you do all in your power to make your staff happy this increases their energy and they influence customers in amazing ways.
  • The most crucial discovery is that happiness does not only make you feel good and enable you to enjoy what you are doing, but it has long lasting physiological consequences.
  • A CEO or Manager can decrease the incidence of heart disease and cancer in the company by making the happiness of his employees a daunting priority.


When you consider all the physiological benefits of Happiness, it is amazing that Happiness is free and it is right where you are. You just have to decide that despite what’s going on, you will welcome happiness into your life.

Do you think we would be happier if we could go to the store, pick it up and pay for it?

Well we can pick it up. Its right within our reach , but we have to remember to pay for it.

We tend to leave our level of happiness at the mercy of others. How excited and positive we feel is generally determined by what is going on outside of ourselves.

A good lesson to remember is that whoever we allow to determine our level of happiness is determining the level of our health, our performance and our income as well.


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