Love Is a One Way Street

Feel a little frustrated with your lover from time to time? Join the club of millions of men and women who experience difficulties and frustrating emotions every day, and are still happy together.

Internalize this: love is a one-way street.

Want a great marriage? Then it is your job to be a great partner and to inspire the other person by the sacrifices you make and the discipline you exert to make them happy. Love is a one-way street. Don’t be concerned with what they do or don’t do or how they behave. Your job is to be the best lover you can be to that person and let the chips fall where they may.

Want more deep, inner excitement with the one you love? You can totally have it but you have to create it. It will not come from your partner or from circumstances. All good things must come from you. Love is a one-way street.

Realize that the highway of love runs only in one direction. You are in this relationship, not to get, but to give, not to be understood but to understand, not to be consoled, but to console, not to be satisfied but to satisfy. Don’t depend on the other person to bring all these beautiful qualities into the relationship. You must bring them. As Chris Rock, the comedian says, if you are a guy who wants a lasting and good marriage, forget your dreams, your hopes and your aspirations and just make her happy.

Don’t worry, if you focus on filling your partners life with happiness, you will get the overflow, and believe me the overflow will more than do to the trick.

That is why you should be so in love that we don’t want anything else but to serve that person.

Be so obsessed with giving and serving in your relationship that you don’t even have to get anything back – Love is a one way street and if somehow the traffic starts coming your way, so much the better.

What’s the alternative anyway? Love that depends on the mood of the other person is not worthy of the soul. So give, serve and give again. Love is a one-way street.



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